Eighth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers
Company A, Inc.
New Britain - Stanley Park
April 16-17, 2011
Stanley Quarter Park
New Britain, Connecticut
Dear Friends,
Our humble band assembled in Stanley Park, in the city of New Britian. This was the maiden event of the Connecticut 150th Commemorative Commission. They lead it off in fine style with a registration reimbursement, and a free tin of caps for all comers.
We had a fine showing from the 8CV and our mutual friends of the 14CV. Friday evening brought a little skirmish over a stone bridge, where the rebel artillery had drawn a bead, and then sent a force forward. Our boys contested the bridge, and added some shells from across the pond. It was a demonstration, and nothing more came of it. We all spent a nice evening Friday, and woke up Saturday moring to a fine showing, bolstering our company to a 26 man roster, the finest showing in a good long time.
We had a mornign formation, to see the size of the battalion, and our NEB command was pleased. They were camped off to the side, near a stream through the camp, and into a good sized pond. More about that later.
The morning featured a march and a formation to the local college, where an hour ceremony with politicians, and others talking about the war effort. president Lincoln was there and was the featured speaker. We all retired after the firing salute.
The afternoon offered an attack from the Rebels, and our battalion was divided into two wings, with Todd Bryda taking his wing on a long flanking march. Our wing was pushed forward with artillery, and took the Rebels in immediate action. We held them, and our company, being the first company, was deployed forward as skirmishers. We executed the bait perfectly, as we did n ot push them , only baited them in. By the time they were pushing us, we retired to the battalion line, coming up, and the line beat them well. The Rebels did not go easy, they continued to push, but did not have the numbers to break our lines. So we advanced, and dealt them a lot of lead, and finally beat them back. They were not fast moving to the rear, and we sucked up a pile of prisoners. I personally captured a long tall lanky looking rebel named Tom, and he was my prize.
The evening devolved into torrential rains. All plans to sustain the camp were at risk. Several soldiers sought the shelter of the wagon train, and the camps were seriously flooded. It was a night to remember.
The morning brought several refugees back from their shelters, and the Sibly of the NEB HQ was looking more like a mud wrestling ring than a headquarters. All in all, we took it well, and continued with the program.
The early afternoon brought a contest. We were formed and marched to the right, and were soon engaged in the vicinity of the stone bridge. There was a civilian confrontation in our front, and when it was cleared, our troops went forward. We fought by companies, orchestrated by command, and were able to push hard to the front. We were soon ordered to retire in stages, and the altercation was soon over.
We packed the wet canvas into the wagons, and marvelled at the success of our arms. This was the start of the cycle for the Connecticut boys, and the New England Brigade.
Lincoln & Liberty!
Your obedient servant,
Seth Plumb
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Eighth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Co.A, Inc.